Adeus povo bom adeus
Adeus eu já vou me embora
Pelas ondas do mar eu vim
Pelas ondas do mar eu vou me embora

Adeus povo bom adeus
Adeus eu já vou me embora
Pelas ondas do mar eu vim
Pelas ondas do mar eu vou me embora

Pelas ondas do mar eu vim
Pelas ondas do mar eu vou me embora

Pelas ondas do mar eu vim
Pelas ondas do mar eu vou me embora

Goodbye good people goodbye
Goodbye I’m leaving already
By the waves of the sea I came
By the waves of the sea I’m leaving

Goodbye good people goodbye
Goodbye I’m leaving already
By the waves of the sea I came
By the waves of the sea I’m leaving

By the waves of the sea I came
By the waves of the sea I’m leaving

By the waves of the sea I came
By the waves of the sea I’m leaving